Poker Run Stops

Englewood Beach Waterfest feather flag

The STOPS may be completed in any order. To find the location at each STOP where the Waterfest Poker Chips will be handed out, look for the Red, White & Blue 12 foot Waterfest Feather Flag.

All seven STOPs will hand out chips Between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM. All Players need to collect at least five different color Waterfest Poker Chips (see rules for more details).

All players should head to Lighthouse Grill and Tiki Bar for the start of the Poker Tournament at 4:00 PM and Close at 6:00 PM.

SIX Stops By Sea or By Land:

Rum Bay Logo

Rum Bay Restaurant
7092 Placida Rd
Cape Haze, FL 33946

Beachcomber Trading Post logo

Beachcomber Trading Post
1927 Beach Rd
Englewood, FL 34223

SandBar Tiki & Grille Logo

Sandbar Tiki & Grille
1975 Beach Road
Englewood, FL 34223

Skip's Marina

Skip’s Marina
1990 Placida Road
Englewood, FL 34223

Manasota Key Resort

Manasota Key Resort
985 Gulf Blvd
Englewood, FL 34223

Endzone Coastal Sports Bar and Grille Logo

Endzone Bar & Grill
2440 S McCall Rd.
Englewood, FL 34224


Lighthouse Grill and Tiki Bar is THE DESTINATION for the Poker Play, ALL Poker Hand Prize announcements, our Pirate Costume Contest and of course, the Pirate AFTER PARTY. Live music by Pirates of the Floridian from 12:30-3:30pm and Marker 5 Band from 5-8pm.

Lighthouse Grill & Tiki Bar Logo

Lighthouse Grill and Tiki Bar
260 Maryland Ave
Englewood, FL 34224
(Channel Marker #17A on ICW)